Louis J. Esposito began his law enforcement career in 1979 when he attended the
Morris County Police Academy, Class #11, New Jersey. There he earned the Class
Merit Award. Esposito was hired by Mansfield Township Police Department, Port
Murray, New Jersey.
In 1986 Esposito was promoted to rank of Sergeant within the department and
continued his career there until 1989 when he earned the rank of Chief of Police
for Mansfield. During this time Esposito was a member of the County Response
Team into New York City after 911 to assist with recovery efforts. Along with
Esposito’s titles, he was the liaison to the Warren County SWAT Team and
Secretary of the County Chief’s Association.
Esposito remained Chief until 2004 when he retired his family to Marion Station,
After two years of retirement and getting his family settled, Esposito graduated
from the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy and worked for the Worcester
County Sheriff’s Office with the rank of Detective. As Detective, Esposito was
assigned the task of managing the Sex Offender Fugitive Unit and Narcotics.
Following his love of handguns, Louis received the assignment of Range Manager
for the Sheriff’s Office. With this assignment, Esposito was schooled by the
Maryland State Police Firearms Academy and is certified as a line officer,
classroom instructor and firearms instructor. The Maryland Police and Corrections
Training Commission has certified Esposito in this field. Esposito was
instrumental in the purchase of the Prism Machine for simulated situations for
law enforcement and possible encounters thru their daily patrols. He is still active
in his role as a firearms instructor providing Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act
(LEOSA) to fellow retired officers.
Esposito has trained local, state and federal agencies over the years with well
over a thousand students, many being civilians at the range.
Mr. Esposito is a Life Member of the National Rifle Association and believes in the
2 nd Amendment and the ability of a citizen to protect themselves. This philosophy
has led him down the path of Maryland’s Wear and Carry Permit, as well as the
Handgun Qualification License Instructor. He is a proud member of the Armed
Citizens Legal Defense Network, as well as the proprietor of Marion Training, LLC.